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mercoledì 20 maggio 2015

...we looked was May 2015...

It was some serene, sunny, smiling afternoon of May in my beloved Friuli (Italy). I was exactly where I desired to be, in my bf's car, at my place, with my hand in his, at their place. As I do always profess wapp is the mother of every evil thing. It lets old or far circumstances re-approach, making closer again all of a sudden, shortening the fairly gained distances, and permitting weird things to happen. Things which were unprobable until some moment ago, such as the following one: a distant friend, known in Israel, sends you a voice message to inform you that his childhood friend, who works in Oman, is looking for an Italian girl to work on some unspecified tourism boats in that country.
And you, you didn't want, you did not think, maybe just a small little wish, maybe you just said it jokingly "I would like to work in the tourism sector in the Middle East," but never ever you really had tried...well... you find yourself in the eye of the cyclone, while in your bf's eyes a second cyclone approaches inexorable, announcing itself firstly with a sound, this sound: "you will not be thinking seriously about this, correct ?!"

Definitively uncorrect!

I was thinking about it. I kept on thinking and pondering this idea and scenario for months, we talked about it for months and too much indeed.
I was disoriented and moreover, funny to be told NOW, I was threatened: my mother hired my brother to steal my passport...and this is history and not invenction. Luckily it was a cold summertime and my windows were usually shut at night. LOL
I got some call which remind me 'The Ring', from almost the whole family, which is a southern italian family, so it means most of us is dark-haired and it let it be far more realistic somehow, mentioning the movie..and of course I put on risk my love-story.
But, you know, men sooner or later will leave you not listen to that voice (ehy ... I was also far-sighted).
Despite all of the previous bordering conditions, or in fact thanks to those all, finally, on October 12, I left towards Muscat, Oman.
If you too do not have any idea of ​​where Oman is ... well, it's just a quick Google job

It was a shame not to start a blog at that time, but I never could put my hands on a laptop in my days over there, and I did not even have a free second of time.
But I do remember some moments as if they were just happened yesterday. ... and as if they were yesterday, I will write them down, trying to reach as early as possible today. (Today is January 20, 2017, lol) For the record, the 'domai' ('domai' is my personal way to define things that are always told to be happening shortly, but seems to do not come ever. It is a mix of 'domani' and 'mai', which is 'tomorrow' and 'never') of the title has already arrived. I've been waiting for a working visa for months to go there and ... well yes, I've had it and I've just come back with my brand new ID card.
It seems that I am now officially an authorized tour guide in Oman.
That sentence murmured between me and myself, "I would like to work in the Tourism sector in the Middle East" .... it happened.
As always it is when words are passing, even unconsciously, from my mind to my mouth.

...era maggio 2015...

Era un qualche sereno, soleggiato, ridanciano pomeriggio di maggio, in Friuli. Io ero esattamente dove volevo essere, nella macchina del mio ragazzo, al mio posto, con la mia mano nella sua, al loro posto.   Come sempre sostengo wapp è la madre di ogni male, riavvicina cose lontane facendole parere vicine, accorcia giuste distanze e permette cose fino a qualche tempo fa impensabili, come questa: che un lontano amico di viaggio, conosciuto in Israele, ti manda un messaggio vocale per dirti che un suo amico di infanzia, che lavora in Oman, cera una ragazza italiana per lavorare sulle barche con i turisti.  E tu, che non volevi, non ci pensavi, forse solo un desiderio piccolo piccolo, forse solo l'avevi detto, scherzando "vorrei lavorare nel turismo in Medio Oriente", ma mai, mai, l'avevi davvero cercato...tu, ti trovi nell'occhio del ciclone, mentre negli occhi del tuo ragazzo un secondo ciclone si avvicina inesorabile, annunciandosi prima con un suono, questo suono: "mica ci starai pensando vero?!"

Sì, ci stavo pensando, ci ho pensato per mesi, ne abbiamo parlato per mesi...sono stata diseredata, sono stata minacciata, mia madre ha assoldato mio fratello per rubarmi il passaporto...ho subito telefonate da 'The Ring" da parte di quasi tutta la famiglia, ho rischiato la mia storia...perchè, si sa, gli uomini tanto prima o poi ti lasciano comunque (ehy...sono stata anche lungimirante)...e nonostante tutto questo, anzi...grazie a tutto questo...alla fine, il giorno 12 ottobre, sono partita per Muscat, in Oman.

Se anche voi come me non avete idea di dove sia l'Oman...beh basta una rapida googleggiata.

Diciamo che è stato un peccato non iniziare un blog quella volta, ma ahimè...non avevo un pc, e non avevo nemmeno un secondo libero. Ma alcuni momenti davvero li ricordo come se fossero ieri. ...e come se fossero ieri, li scriverò...per arrivare il prima possibile ad oggi. (oggi è il 20 gennaio 2017, lol)

Per la cronaca il 'domai' del titolo è già arrivato.  Aspettavo da mesi un visto di lavoro per recarmi in oman...e...beh sì, l'ho avuto e sono appena tornata. E sì, ora sono ufficialmente una guida turistica autorizzata. ho messo un po', ma quella frasetta detta tra me e me, ve la ricordate.."vorrei lavorare nel turismo in Medio Oriente" è avverata.